This is the 2nd post in a short series about setting up file hosting using AWS, S3, AWS CLI and CloudFront

Now it’s time to setup AWS S3. The setup is fairly straight forward. Check out the first post if you haven’t read it yet for a bit of background.

After creating your AWS account head over to the [S3 page in the console.(

Once there, click on “Create Bucket”. I’m not going into detail on that, because there are hundreds of guides out there. Amazon’s is straightforward. You can always go back and fix any problems you run into.

Just a few tips:

  • Get the bucket name right the first time. Make it make sense to you and anyone else that you work with.
  • Pick the region that you are working in.
  • Permissions are key here. You need to make sure that you can edit objects (files) from your command line. AWS IAM is a great interface for really controlling access.

You can do all of this through CLI.

Let’s go ahead and add a file to your fancy new bucket. Click on Upload, set permissions and you are set. On the next post. I’ll cover CloudFront and then CLI. Good stuff. Thanks for reading.